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The latest news and views from AQ Strong

Be Your Own Coach! BYOC Program

Yes, we are teaching you to Coach yourself!

Our mission is to empower athletes. Nothing is more empowering than having the confidence to know what to do and when to do it. The BYOC program is designed to give you these two essential understandings for coaching, what type of training should you do and how do you decide when and why to do it.

Enroll in BYOC: $7880 HKD - JOIN HERE

Fixed Program Period - Full details available at Academy Course Page

  • Lesson Launch Date: October 10th

  • Every Sundays from 4pm - 6pm

  • BYOC includes total 16 hours of classroom learning + 16 SPC Sessions (8 per month)

  • Valid Dates for SPC: Oct 11 to Dec 11

8x 2 hour lessons each designed to provide practical understanding how to apply coaching science to your own program.

16x Semi-Private Coaching Classes, take the training program linked to the lesson and experience the practical application of BYOC.

BENEFITS: When you complete the BYOC Program you will have the understanding and confidence to lead your own training strategy. Never be confused what type of training is best for your anymore - demystify training and become your own Coach!

Are you ready to BYOC? #beyourowncoach

Enroll in BYOC: $7880 HKD - JOIN HERE or contact us if you have questions at or whatsapp 6763.2813

The T&C

*Promotional Course Membership available to any new enrollment athlete to AQ Strong (no current SPC membership)

*Current SPC members should contact AQ Strong for preferred joining rates.

*Course is non-refundable, non-transferable.

*SPC Classes - includes any core SPC classes offered to members but excludes any Specialty SPC (Barbell Club).


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