近年新興的體能耐力賽 HYROX 今年11月將來港舉行,香港首度成為世界巡迴賽的其中一站!HYROX 是一項結合功能與耐力鍛煉的比賽,適合熱愛健身、運動的你參加。
HYROX is taking the world of fitness by storm. With over 40 races across 3 continents and 11 countries, HYROX is now coming to Hong Kong on the 19th – 20th November 2022 for the first time! It's a fitness race for all abilities, suitable for everybody.
報名參賽 Pre-registration:https://linktr.ee/hyroxhk
AQ Strong 非常榮幸成為 HYROX 官方健身房,每星期一、三、四、五均會有為備戰而設的 Athletic Conditioning 小組訓練。我們亦會派出運動員參賽,歡迎大家加入一起訓練,為突破自己、取得佳績努力。
AQ Strong will be one of the official Hyrox gyms and will be offering Athletic Conditioning group classes to get you ready for the Hyrox race. SPC Classes will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Our coaches will be participating in the race too! Come join us and get prepared.
Hyrox | Athletic Conditioning SPC
時間表 Timetable:
星期一 Monday 1-2pm
星期三 Wednesday 7-8pm
星期四 Thursday 7:30-8:30am
星期五 Friday 7-8pm
價錢 Price:
8 Pack SPC $2400
Hyrox 8 Pack SPC:https://aqstrong.gymmasteronline.com/portal/membership/c460079749d0d05972a267aba46c19fc
另外,在10月2日,我們會於 AQ Strong 舉行免費的 Physical Fitness Test,讓大家了解自己的強弱項。(詳情稍後公佈)
We will hold a Free Physical Fitness Test in AQ Strong on 2 Oct, every body is welcomed to sign-up.
8項訓練環節 · 8 x 1公里跑 | 8 Workouts · 8 x 1km Run
The race consists of a 1km run followed by one functional workout, repeated 8 times.
8項指定動作 8 workouts:
1/ 1000m滑雪機 SKIERG
2/ 50m雪橇推進 SLED PUSH
3/ 50m拉雪橇 SLED PULL
5/ 1000m划船機 ROWING
6/ 200m農夫走路 FARMERS CARYY
7/ 100m沙袋弓箭步 SANDBAG LUNGES
8/ 75/100牆球高拋 WALL BALLS