全新 Open Gym 迎新會員選項
AQ Stong 運動訓練中心決定延長早上開放時間,讓更多的人在早晨活動中燃燒熱量!現在,我們也提供只限開放式健身的會籍,方便更多健身愛好者加入我們的大家庭。
Open Gym 時段:
星期一至五 上午時段: 上午 7:30 - 中午 12:00
星期一至五 下午時段: 下午 2:00 - 下午 6:30
星期六或日及公眾假期: 下午 1:00 - 下午6:00
Open Gym 會員資格:
現有SPC會員: 包括 In-Season、SPC 8 和 SPC 14 會員: 以$500 港幣加購 或由 $150 單次付費
其他運動員: 月費 $1000 或按次 $250
旅客優惠: $500 / 一週通行證,可享受 4 次入場次數
如欲查詢及了解更多,請即發送電郵至 info@aqstrong.com 或 WhatsApp/ Signal 6763 2813。
Open Gym合理使用條款及細則 :
*Open Gym 會員可於AQ Strong 訓練區域內自行訓練。 AQ Strong SPC會員及員工擁有任何訓練設備和訓練區的優先使用權。 Open Gym 時間段內閑置的任何設備或區域由Open Gym 會員的公平使用,請尊重其他使用者。 *以下設備/器材需要監督下使用:
如果你不確定如何使用器材,請勿擅自取用以避免受傷。尤其是以下一些需要特定訓練/技術的器材: Exxentric、Run Rocket、Mace and Meels 和奧運舉重器材,請先向AQ Strong 教練或職員查詢。
某部分高科技器材如Perch VBT或其他運動表現評估設備均需要對器材有一定認識及理解,使用前請向AQ 教練查詢。
請善用AQ Strong Athletic Centre 寬敞的訓練空間,訓練期間請尊重其他使用者;請勿長時間佔用器材。 *Open Gym 訓練區域不包括Movement Corrective 區。請勿在訓練區域休息、睡眠、工作或閱讀等),在訓練區進行任何非訓練活動均會對其他使用者構成干擾。 *除了合理使用條款和條件外,我們的普通會員條款和條件適用於所有 Open Gym 會員。
Announcing our new Open Gym membership options and hours.
AQ Strong is excited to announce extended access to our Open Gym, catering to all fitness enthusiasts! We have expanded our morning hours to provide you with more opportunities to engage in invigorating activities. Additionally, we now offer exclusive Open Gym memberships for those who prefer a flexible fitness experience.
Open Gym Hours:
Mon - Fri Mornings: 7:30am - 12:00pm.
Mon - Fri Afternoons: 2:00pm - 6:30pm
Sat & Sun & Public Holiday: 1:00pm - 6:00pm
Please note our Fair Use terms during Open Gym hours below. AQ Strong remains first and foremost dedicated to empowering athletes and the people who support them. We often restrict areas of our club for team training, education courses and other events during Open Gym hours. We will always make some space available but not all areas and equipment are available during all Open Gym hours.
Open Gym Memberships:
Premiere SPC Members: Included with membership
In-Season, SPC 8 and SPC 14 Members: $500 HKD/ monthly top up or $150/visit
All other Athletes: $1000 / monthly or $250 Session drop in
Travel Pack: $500 / One Week Pass for 4 visits
Victoria Mall opens all doors and bathrooms at 8:30am.
Please use Victoria Mall entrance at Austin Road (into Victoria Towers) and simply step past the red rope to our club. The handicap toilet is available on 1/F upstairs until all bathrooms are open.
The Fair Use T&C
*Open Gym provides limited access the training areas within AQ Strong. First priority of use for any training equipment and training zones belong to AQ Strong. Any equipment or areas not in use during Open Gym are then fair game for Open Gym members.
*Certain equipment requires supervision with an AQ Coach.
*Rule #1: If you're not sure, ask. Some of our equipment is highly technical or requires specific technique to avoid injury. This is especially true of Exxentric, Run Rocket, Mace and Meels and Weightlifting. *Rule #2: High Tech requires training with a AQ Coach. This includes Perch VBT and any assessment equipment.
*Rule #3: Be mindful. We offer a spacious training environment, but expect everyone to pay attention to what they are doing and who is around them.
*Open Gym does not include: Use of the Movement Corrective area, extended hours of work (laptop, reading etc) in any of the staff use areas such as tables, lounge or sleeping, relaxing in a training area that will disrupt others from training or working.
*In addition to the Fair Use T&C our normal membership Terms and Conditions shall apply to all Open Gym memberships.